About Us

About Us

I created Roses Makers Market because I love people’s stories of what inspires them to do their craft and why they wanted to turn their craft into a business!

Being a crafter (soaper) myself I also understand the challenges of small crafting businesses not being able to have a storefront because it takes away time from your craft. I understand how much time, sweat and money it takes to do markets, and let me tell you we make it look cute and easy, but it is FAR from easy! It takes months of no sleep to plan and get ready for the season only to stress about trying to get into markets, sometimes it is years before you can get into some of the better markets. So, Roses Makers Market is here to take away some of the stress off the plates of small crafting businesses. Here they come set up their space with their style and we do the rest, that way they can be two places at one time. They can continue doing the markets they love and be at Roses as well.

Shopping at Roses Makers Market you are supporting multiple small businesses at once. Also, no more hunting down your favorite vendor at a market you can come to Roses during the week to shop. For those of you that do not like going to traditional market and dealing with the crowds, and dealing with pushy vendors, you will not get that here at Roses! I will have helper to help and answer questions when needed, but you will not be overwhelmed by someone at each space. 

Meet the Roses

Dana “Rose” Nirschl

The mom, grandma & great grandma. My mom is an amazingly strong mama that has made me the women I am today! Her and my dad took over her dad’s shoe repair business early on in life and grew it into a well know country western store that is still going strong after 40+ years in the Auburn valley. While raising four children and loving her grandchildren and now five great grandchildren.

Shari “Rose” Nirschl

ME…….. I was born and raised here in the pacific northwest. I moved around a bit living in Phoenix & Portland only to move back here. Although I grew up in Kent, I have a lot of history here in Auburn so when the Rottle’s building downtown Auburn became available I jumped on it. I am excited to help many small makers businesses grown along with me in downtown Auburn!

Tasondra “Rose” Nirschl

My beautiful daughter! She has always been such a caring, loving human that has worked hard to get where she is in life. She is a nurse over at the Auburn hospital (another reason I am excited to be in downtown Auburn). I am so proud of how much she has accomplished already in life!

Juliana Jalaya “Rose” Jackson

My beautiful granddaughter! She is a serious almost 2yr old little girl that puts a smile on my face every time I see her. We love to explore together or just cuddle. I hope to have her by my side at the market as she grows, she is going to help grandma build a legacy to leave her.

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